Auditor Gone Rogue

As auditors, we hold a crucial position in upholding trust, accountability, and professionalism in the financial world. But occasionally, a story emerges that reminds us just how badly things can go wrong. Cue the recently published article from the FRC of Ms. Nightingale.
Ms. Nightingale managed to hit a career low that included forging signatures, filing false accounts and producing fictitious audit evidence. You’d almost admire her creativity if it weren’t so shockingly unethical.
Small pressures, big temptations
I’m sure most of you are reading this and thinking, ‘I’d never make those mistakes.’ That’s great but let’s not be too quick to judge.
In the world of audit, even small pressures can lead to big temptations. That’s why it’s vital to have the right systems, checks, and training in place. At Mercia, we’re committed to helping auditors be their best.
How can Mercia help?
At Mercia, we believe preventing these issues is key. Stories like this reinforce the importance of continuous training and robust audit methodology.
Ethics training: Let’s try to avoid creating future unethical auditors with our online training library which includes an ethics update and refresher course.
Practical methodology: Our audit methodology and manuals ensure audit teams know exactly what they’re doing at every stage of the audit.
Find out more.