Practical Accounting Problems

This course assumes a basic understanding of company financial statements. The course highlights common problems with completeness and adequacy of disclosure.

The course consists of a mixture of formal lecturing, case studies and discussions designed to highlight a range of common disclosure and accounting errors in company accounts. This can be especially prevalent where there are changes in company law and accounting standards or where the company undertakes a transaction.

The course also covers:

  • Companies Act and FRS 102 disclosure requirements
  • Small company exemptions including FRS 102 section 1A
  • Provisions and contingencies
  • Director disclosures and other related party disclosures
  • Basic financial instruments
  • Revaluations
  • Substance over form (Revenue Recognition, Leases)

The online version of this course is an interactive workshop.

Click here for the 2023 version of this course.

Who should take the course

The course will be beneficial for staff who have been involved with the preparation of company accounts for between 18 and 36 months and wish to gain exposure to more difficult / less common accounting problems.

Early Careers Course
Group of people sat in a room watching a man present stood up

Flexible solutions

We offer a range of solutions to meet your training needs. To discuss your memberships or bespoke packages needs contact us on 0330 058 7141 or email us.

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