Accounting and Compliance for OMBs - Problems and Practical Solutions
Preparers of UK GAAP accounts, whether under full FRS 102, FRS 102(1A) for small entities or FRS 105 for micro-entities, need to know how to tackle the most common issues that arise in practice.
The course content will reflect on common problems and emerging issues and will include:
- Company size criteria
- Audit exemptions – including small companies
- Accounting policies, estimates and judgements – getting the disclosure balance right
- Property plant and equipment – initial recognition including component accounting, estimating useful life and residual value
- Investment properties – how to present fair value changes, dealing with transfers and mixed-use property and deferred tax
- Intangibles and goodwill – how to approach recognition and amortisation including research and development
- Financial instruments, including loans, investments, and share-based payments
- Presentation and disclosure issues under FRS 102 and FRS 102(1A)
- Revenue recognition
- Related party disclosures
- Other key differences between accounting and disclosure for micro entities (FRS 105) and small entities (FRS 102(1A)
- Filing issues – focus on small companies

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