Cyber Security

With cyber-crime on the rise year on year, coupled with the indiscriminate and automated nature of cyber-attacks, understanding this risk is a pressing requirement for businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

Cyber-related risk is rapidly becoming a top concern for business. One in five businesses (20%) and charities (19%) say they have experienced a negative outcome as a direct consequence of a cyber attack within the last year, with an average estimated cost of all cyber attacks in the last 12 months of £4,200 (rising to £19,400 when only considering medium and large businesses). 

In addition, since the introduction of the GDPR, the majority of the ~190 GDPR fines issued that weren’t marketing related have been for “insufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure information security” - which can be defined as cyber security.  

Amongst other things, this course will: 

  • Explain why cyber-crime is so pervasive 
  • Explore the main threats to your business 
  • Highlight the less obvious consequences of becoming a victim of cyber crime 
  • Provide practical guidance on things that you can be doing to reduce the risk 

The emphasis of the course is to provide practical actions that your firm can take to improve your security posture, whilst understanding why those actions are effective. 

CPD Course
Group of people sat in a room watching a man present stood up

Flexible solutions

We offer a range of solutions to meet your training needs. To discuss your memberships or bespoke packages needs contact us on 0330 058 7141 or email us.

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