Preparing Accounts - More Complex Issues (ROI)
This course assumes a basic understanding of company financial statements. The course highlights common problems with completeness and adequacy of disclosures.
The course is designed to highlight a range of common disclosure and accounting errors in company accounts.
The course covers:
- A reminder of Companies Act and FRS 102 disclosure requirements vs Small company exemptions including FRS 102 section 1A – as covered in Understanding Company Accounts
- Provisions and contingencies
- Director disclosures and other related party disclosures
- Basic financial instruments
- Revaluations
- Substance over form (Revenue Recognition, Leases)
- Cash Flow Statements
This course is an interactive workshop.
This course was originally created for the UK and has reference to pounds sterling and UK VAT rates. However they are suitable for trainees in the Republic of Ireland and this is reflected in the cost.
(ROI) courses are for sale to accountants in the Republic of Ireland.
Flexible solutions
We offer a range of solutions to meet your training needs. To discuss your memberships or bespoke packages needs contact us on 0330 058 7141 or email us.