Professional Skills for Trainees - Year 1

This tutor led practical workshop will equip trainees with the essential skills required for their first year as a trainee. 


  • Core communication skills, focusing on choosing the right communication method to suit the situation, communication barriers, active listening and communicating effectively via email.
  • How time management can make us more productive and allow us to gauge our workload, be more organised and recognise the overall affect this can have on the task and the team. Tips on structuring your working day.
  • Effective teamwork and recognising the qualities and benefits of a diverse team, understanding how people behave in social situations and how to adapt to different working styles.
  • Appraisal preparation, seeing this as a positive exercise which demonstrates a healthy performance culture. Covers points to consider pre appraisal.



Early Careers Course
Group of people sat in a room watching a man present stood up

Flexible solutions

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